February 5, 2009

Hair Envy

I get it a lot. I think what I am most envious about are those who can go a day or more with out washing their hair! Sure, I know all the beauty magazines say it's great for your scalp to get a day off, but this has never been an option for me. Let's say take a shower at 6:30am, wash my hair and blow dry, by 6:30pm it looks like it needs to be washed again. I've figured out some tricks to getting around this, such as not using conditioner that day (which unfortunately leaves it dry) and put it up in a structured way (something fancier than a ponytail) where I won't be touching it all day. I recently visited a friend who has gorgeous long wavy hair. For the two days I stayed with her, she didn't once have to wash her hair (yes, she still showered). I feel like I miss out on saved time.
There are many other reasons I get hair envy... at least this one seems practical.