February 6, 2009

Dry Shampoo

Last post I talked about dealing with the need to constantly wash my hair. A way to sort of get around that is using dry shampoo.

Dry shampoo is a concept (at least for me) that is hard to understand. Wash your hair with out water? Sounds like a time saving miracle. The first time I heard of it was a while ago, but if it wasn't readily available in CVS, I wasn't going out of my way to find it. When ever a magazine featured a dry shampoo product it was usually pretty pricey ($20+).

While indulging in some online shopping at Sephora.com, I decided to purchase something extra to reach the $50 amount to qualify for free shipping. There were about four brands of dry shampoo available. I bought Klorane Gentle Dry Shampoo because it had the best ratings for the best price.

The shampoo arrived and I finally gave it a try. It wasn't quite like baby powder like I expected. The aerosol spray helped distribute it in a fine mist, even way. However, if I hold it too close to my head or spray to long it will leave my hair a powdery-white. The first time I tried it I ended up having to wash my hair the old fashioned water way.

The second time I used the Klorane dry shampoo I had a better hang of the spray. A quick shot at my roots with the can held about 12" away from my head seems to be enough. Now, this is no where near how my hair would look or feel after a good wash in the shower, but it does a good job getting rid of the greasy roots to get me through the day. I've also found that though the directions tell you to simply brush after waiting two minutes, a quick shot of a blow dryer with it helps clear out any lingering white powder.

I have two complaints. One is it leave my hair with a good amount of static. The second is probably brand specific, but the smell. It's not a bad smell, but it reminds me of a grandma...

February 5, 2009

Every Day

The player will show in this paragraph

Hair Envy

I get it a lot. I think what I am most envious about are those who can go a day or more with out washing their hair! Sure, I know all the beauty magazines say it's great for your scalp to get a day off, but this has never been an option for me. Let's say take a shower at 6:30am, wash my hair and blow dry, by 6:30pm it looks like it needs to be washed again. I've figured out some tricks to getting around this, such as not using conditioner that day (which unfortunately leaves it dry) and put it up in a structured way (something fancier than a ponytail) where I won't be touching it all day. I recently visited a friend who has gorgeous long wavy hair. For the two days I stayed with her, she didn't once have to wash her hair (yes, she still showered). I feel like I miss out on saved time.
There are many other reasons I get hair envy... at least this one seems practical.

February 3, 2009

Who's ever cried after getting a hair cut?

Or ended up with so many layers your hair looked like this poor kid? (Photo courtesy of msspider66.)

Luckily, I haven't had that bad of a hair cut lately that resulted in tears. I think because I got the worse done while still in junior high and nothing can be bad as those.

There are various reactions to a bad hair cut.

  • The-Fake-You-Like-It: Usually chosen because you have a decent relationship with the stylist and you don't want to hurt his/her feelings... Or because you are just one of those people who lets others walk all over them.
  • The-Get-Into-The-Car-And-Cry: You have too much pride to let others see you... Or because it was in the review mirror that you got an actual good look of yourself.
  • The-Freak-Out-The-Next-Time-You-Wash-Your-Hair: This kind of relates to the last one about the post salon consideration. You don't truly understand the consequences of your actions until your hands start shampooing and...it's gone!
  • The-Get-Into-An-Argument: You know what you wanted and this is not it. You make this known to the stylist by waving and pointing at the picture you brought to remind her of her botched job. Normally this reaction can result in one of two things 1) in the end she makes you feel stupid for wanting the same hair as some starlet, or 2) to stop you from making a seen the rarely present salon owner steps out to offer wave the cost (but good god, you'd rather pay them $60 to have your hair back!)


First blog post! I can't wait to write about the trials and tribulations of having straight hair.